प्रकरण ५.२.२१ संस्कार Force

८.२१: २६६.२३संस्कारस्त्रिविधोवेगोभावनास्थितिस्थापकश्च ।

Faculty is of three kinds: (1) Speed or momentum (2) Mental impression and (3) Elasticity.


Of these, speed is produced in the five corporeal substances, by an action or motion through some cause; it is the cause of a series of motions in a definite direction ; it is counteracted by the conjunction of tangible (solid/liquid/gaseous) substances; and in some cases it is preceded by a like quality in the component parts of the substance.


The faculty called * mental impression is a property of The Self; it is the cause of the remembrance and recognition of things previously seen or heard, or experienced; and is counteracted by contrary cognition, intoxication and extremes of pain £c. It is produced by (a) forcible cognitions, (b) by repeated cognitions and (c) by impressive ignitions produced by special efforts.

पट्वभ्यासादरप्रत्ययजःपटुप्रत्ययापेक्षादात्ममनसोःसम्योगादाश्चर्येऽर्थेपटुःसंस्कारातिशयोजायते ।

The contact of mind and soul under the influence of a forcible cognition, brings about a peculiarly forcible faculty or impression with reference to an object of wonder to the observer ;

यथादाक्षिणात्यस्योष्ट्रदर्शनादिति ।

as for instance when a man from the south happens to see a camel.

विद्याशिल्पव्यायामादिष्वभ्यस्यमानेषुतस्मिन्नेवार्थेपूर्वपूर्वसंस्कारमपेक्षमाणादुत्तरोत्तरस्मात्प्रत्ययादात्ममनसोःसम्योगात्संस्कारातिशयोजायते ।

When study, arts, physical exercises and such other things are repeatedly practiced, then in regard to them the mind—soul contact aided by the impression produced by one repetition brings about the next, repetition; and so on and on, a peculiarly forcible faculty or impression is produced.

प्रयत्नेनमनश्चक्षुषिस्थापयित्वाऽपूर्वमर्थम्दिदूक्षमाणस्यविद्युत्सम्पातदर्शनवदादरप्रत्ययःतमपेक्षमाणादात्ममनसोःसम्योगात्संस्कारातिशयोजायते । यथादेवह्रदेराजतसौवर्णपद्मदर्शनादिति।

The mind being with, special efforts, applied to the visual organ, with a view to see an interesting object never seen before-there appears a perception which is as impressive as the perception of the flash of lightning ; and the mind soul contact under the influence of this impressive cognition, gives rise to a peculiar faculty; as for instance, when one happens to see silver and golden lotuses in the (Celestial Lake).


Elasticity, on the other hand, resides in such substances as have their component molecules solidly packed together; and [when at a certain point of time], the object in which it resides happens to have its position changed, it tends to bring it back to its original position.

स्थावरजङ्गमविकारेषुधनुह्शाखाशृङ्गदन्तास्थिसूत्रवस्त्रादिषुभुग्नसंवर्तितेषुस्थितिस्थापकस्यकार्यम्संलक्ष्यते । नित्यानित्यत्वनिष्पत्तयोस्यापिगुरुत्ववत् ॥

Effects of Elasticity are seen in such objects as a bow, the branches of trees, horns; teeth, threads the cloth – and the like, —all of which are products from certain animate and inanimate objects whom we find to contract and expand.

Back To: प्रकरण ५.२: गुणपदार्थः : द्रव्यांच्या गुणांविषयी सविस्तर (Details regarding the Properties of Material and Non-material Substances)