प्रकरण ५.२.१५ इच्छा DESIRE

८.१५: २६१.६स्वार्थम्परार्थम्वाऽप्रप्तप्रार्थनेच्छा। साचात्ममनसोःसम्योगात्सुखाद्यपेक्षात्स्मृत्यपेक्षाद्वोत्पद्यते ।

८.१५: २६१प्रयत्नस्मृतिधमाधर्महेतुः। कामोऽभिलाषःरागःसङ्कल्पःकारुण्यम्वैराग्यमुपधाभावैत्येवमादयैच्छाभेदाः। मैथुनेच्छाकामः ।

८.१५: २६१अभ्यवहारेच्छाभिलाषः। पुनःपुनर्विषयानुरंजनेच्छारागः। अनासन्नक्रियेच्छासङ्कल्पः। स्वार्थमनपेक्ष्यपरदुह्खप्रहाणेच्छाकारुण्यम् ।

८.१५: २६१दोषदर्शनाद्विषयत्यागेच्छावैराग्यम्। परवञ्वनेच्छाउपधा। अन्तर्निगूढेच्छाभावः। चिकीर्षाजिहीर्षेत्यादिक्रियाभेदादिच्छाभेदाभवन्ति ॥

Desire, ichcha consists in the wishing for something not already obtained, either for ones own sake or for the sake of another. It proceeds from the contact of mind and soul, through pleasure &c or through remembrance. It is the source of effort, remembrance, virtue and vice. Lust, hunger, Affection, Aspiration, Compassion, Aversion, Disposition to impose, Inclination and so forth are the various forms of desire. Lust is desire, Hunger is desire for food; Affection is desire for the repealed experiencing of an object ; Aspiration is desire for bringing about something not near at hand; Compassion is disinterested desire for the removal of other’s troubles ; Disinclination is the desire for renouncing an object, after finding something wrong in it; Disposition to impose is the desire for deceiving others ; Inclination is unexpressed desire. Desire to do/ Desire to take away and so on are the various desires in reference to various actions ( Vl-n-iO to 14; I-i-6).

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