Tag: ‘याम’

प्रकरण ४ भाग ८: दिक् (Discussion on characteristics, properties and classification of Space)

६.३: ६६.२०-दिक्पूर्वापरादिप्रत्ययलिङ्गा । Space is the cause or the basis of the notions of East, West and others. पूर्व, पश्चिम इत्यादींची जाणीव होण्याला दिक् हे द्रव्य आधारभूत होते किंवा संदर्भ देते.[…]

प्रकरण ४ भाग ७: काल (Discussion on characteristics, properties and classification of Time)

६.२: ६३.१५-कालःपरापरव्यतिकरयौगपद्यायौगपद्यचिरक्षिप्रप्रत्ययलिङ्गम् । The time is the cause of the contrary notions of Priority, Posteriority, of simultaneity and of succession and of late and soon. आधी, नंतर, एकसाथ, एका-मागोमाग-दुसरा, उशीरा आणि लवकर ह्या परस्परविरोधी जाणीवा […]